Privacy Policy
The KoreaStarDaily.com Web Site / App (“Service”) is committed to protecting and maintaining the security of the personal data of readers and customers, and promises to fully implement and abide by the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" For Terms can conditions, please refer to our T&C page.
Collect and Use of Data
User do NOT need to sign in or provide any information on browsing the Service, however under these circumstances, user data shall be collected:
Register e-Newlsetter
eNewseltter: provide update entainament content, advertising may be embeded to the eNewsletter, If you do not want use to use the above-mentioned direct marketing, you can unsubscribed (opt-out) the eNewsletter
Participate in online event, such as giveaway.
Your personal detail shall be collect to fillfull the requierments of the online event, the company may disclose or transfer your personal data (whether within or outside your jurisdiction) to the company’s group companies, associates, subsidiaries, business partners, service providers, and Other persons that the company deems appropriate for the services and goods you request or provide to you. We may disclose this information or use it for the purposes in order to effectively deliver the relevant goods to you.
Through browsing our website, data will be collected through the use of echnologies includes, but are not limited to, server browsing records, page tagging, and hosting client systems (Cookies). the data will be used to analyze the number of website visitors, usage status and user browsing habits, let this website know which types of content are more popular, and allow users to enjoy personalized content, services. Users can turn off the cookies setting in the client system by themselves, but they may not be able to use some personalization and other functions.
From time to time, the Service shall enhance it Service, which may require user to register a login account or authorize to connect by of user login from other platform (such as Google login / Facebook login, etc...) For exmaple, Facebook connect, user may use sign-in services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your name and email address Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities on this Web site to your profile page to share with others within your network.
Social Media Widgets, such as the Facebook Like button [and Widgets, such as the Share this button or interactive mini-programs that run on our site]. These Features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social Media Features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Site. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.
We may share limited information with third-party advertising partners, such as networks, exchanges, and platforms, to display advertising on our website and App or to manage and serve our advertising on other sites. We do not sell your Personal Information to these third-party advertising partners for their own advertising or marketing purposes.
For upcoming web / App enhancement, additional data may be collected, but unless we get user consent, we will not sell or trade the ata.
Protection of Data
We have technical, administrative and physical security measures to help protect the customer information we collect or store from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.
When we receives the user's personal information, the website system will immediately save it and keep it confidential, and only authorized and relevant employees can be allowed to access the relevant information. We will also ensure that employees comply with the ethics of personal data security and confidentiality.
The user’s data will be kept confidential, but may be transmitted to the following companies or persons:
Outsourced service providers of this website, such as network system contractors; Other persons and organizations that perform data security work.
We retains your personal data for as long as necessary to implement the purpose for which your personal data was collected.We may also keep personal data files for statistical purposes. The personal data will be deleted or destroyed until the data is no longer stored for any direct or related purposes.
Question or Enquiry
If you have question of the use of the personal data, suggestions or complaints, please email to contact@koreastardaily.com
You have the right to inquire to the company in writing whether the company owns your personal data, and to request a copy of such information and/or correction or deletion of such information. If you wish to make the above request, please contact t us: contact@koreastardaily.com
This privacy policy statement only applies to this website. Advertisements on this website and hyperlinks to other web pages (Hyperlink) are not covered by this privacy policy statement. We are also not responsible for protecting users’ privacy, personal information and possible leaks when browsing the advertisements, using other Internet services, or using other operating system platforms to register accounts (including: Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, etc.) Users should refer to their privacy policies if they are interfered or affected by Cookies.
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